Friday, April 30, 2010

Alright, so where do we start?

So, now that we've defined the problem, where do we start?

I have to admit, this one had me puzzled for the longest time.  I saw the world in all its diversity, I heard of all the hatred and misunderstandings, and believed the task of helping the world see past its differences and helping to usher in an age where Christ's admonition "Love one another", is universally applied, was too far beyond reach.  I mean, the world is a big place, right?  How can a single voice, a single man, change the world for the better, when the entire world seems hell bent on dividing us, on making us see our differences as insurmountable, on making sure that the "other" is only an object of scorn at best, and hate at worst.

And really, if I am honest with myself, taking on the world single handed is an impossible task.  While there is something romantic about the lone underdog taking on the world and bending it to his will, that's not how things work.

So what then?

In the Wiccan religion, there is a simple law, stated with such eloquence as to distill this problem into a simple statement.

"If what you seek you find not within, you will never find it without."

What this means is simple.  If we would create a more loving world, a world where fear and distrust do not exist, we must first find that love within ourselves, and dispell our own fear and distrust.

It starts, simply enough, with learning to love ourselves.

It is easy to conjure images when I say "love ourselves" of Narcissus, staring at his own reflection in a pool of water, and being unable to turn away.  That, however, is not at all what I mean.  By loving ourselves, I mean that we are willing to do anything for ourselves that is for our good, even if we don't want to do it.  I mean loving ourselves as the Divine loves us, and seeing ourselves through Divine eyes.  I mean accepting ourselves exactly as we are, and loving even the parts of ourselves that we dislike, for if we cannot do this for ourselves, we have no chance of enacting that kind of love for another.

It means treating ourselves as sacred, as the starting point of learning to treat all others as sacred.

From there, we can learn to love others, to follow the second greatest commandment, according to Christ:

"And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself." -- Matthew 22:39

It is this, expanding our sense of self, our love for ourselves to others, that will result in the change we are looking for.  Imagine a world where everyone not only acknowledged their own sacred nature, and loved and respected themselves, but also recognized that everyone else they met was just as sacred, and applied that love to them as well.

The Buddha teaches us that: "You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."

It is when we realize that we deserve our own love, and so does everyone else, that we can truly begin the process of changing the world through Agape.

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